Police union still on Phiyega’s side

Police union still on Phiyega’s side

Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (Popcru) on Friday said it would continue supporting suspended national police commissioner, General Riah Phiyega.

Riah Phiyega 3
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“We have always supported the first female police commissioner and we will continue to do so. We have not seen the internal report made public by [Police] Minister Nhleko yet … we do not know its contents, but our support for her still stands,” said Popcru Secretary General Nkosinathi Theledi.

Nhleko’s reference group, established in September last year to probe complaints by senior managers against Phiyega, made some damning findings.

Briefing Parliament’s portfolio committee on police on Wednesday, Nhleko said Phiyega was found to have committed fraud, perjury and misconduct while in office. Nhleko released two reports on her conduct.

On Thursday Phiyega hit back at the police ministry, and said she considered the reports as “malicious and vindictive”.

The suspended national police commissioner said was never invited to present her side of the story.

“They then proceeded in reaching findings and passing judgments against me calling into question not only my ethics and conduct, but causing immense damage to my reputation amongst the public.”

Phiyega said she was seeking legal advice with a view of contesting the police minister’s findings in court.

President Jacob Zuma suspended Phiyega from her position in October, pending an inquiry into her whether she was fit for the national police commissioner post. Phiyega had provided reasons to Zuma in September stating why she should not be suspended.

The Farlam commission of inquiry into the 2012 Marikana shooting, in which police shot dead 34 striking mine workers, had recommended that Phiyega’s fitness for the post be probed after it heavily criticised the police’s conduct. - ANA

(File photo: Gallo Images)

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