Pretoria stepfather handed life sentence for rape

Pretoria stepfather handed life sentence for rape

A 49-year-old man from Willows has been handed a life sentence by the Pretoria Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday.

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The man was convicted of raping his stepdaughter over a period of time.

NPA spokesperson Lumka Mahanjana says the incidents happened when the mother was at work or away from home.

“When the child was three years old, the stepfather started assaulting her. When she was seven years old, he started to assault her both sexually and physically until 2019, when she was 17 years old.

“On 15 January 2019, when the stepfather raped her again. She told her boyfriend what had happened and together they reported the matter to the school social worker, who reported it to the police. 

“In court, the stepfather pleaded not guilty to the charges against him. However, when the child testified in court, she told the court that the incidents affected her, and she is now a broken person who is dead inside.

“He showed no remorse for his actions, therefore a sentence of life imprisonment was appropriate.”


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