Ramaphosa: Women should no longer be treated as objects to rape, kill

Ramaphosa: Women should no longer be treated as objects to rape, kill

President Cyril Ramaphosa says the time has come for all South Africans to roll up their sleeves and end the scourge of violence against women and children.

Cyril Ramaphosa EC

Ramaphosa was speaking in the Eastern Cape at the home of University of Cape Town (UCT) student Uyinene Mrwetyana, whose murder at a Claremont post office sparked outrage across the country.


The man, who was a post office employee, confessed to raping and killing her during his first court appearance.

ALSO READ: Student abducted, raped outside Tygerberg Hospital


Ramaphosa said South African men need to take responsibility for the ill-treatment of women. 


"The moral fibre of our nation is now at a point where men must take responsibility for how we treat the women of our country. Women should no longer be treated as toys, women should no longer be treated as objects that men want to kick around, rape and kill. This must now be stopped."


Ramaphosa reiterated that the government is taking steps to protect and support women.


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