Road closures around OR Tambo Building in Tshwane

Road closures around Dirco building in Tshwane

The Department of Internal Relations and Cooperation is hosting the Southern African Development Community (SADC) solidarity conference with the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic in Pretoria Monday and Tuesday.

OR Tambo Building

Tshwane Metro Police have warned motorist at roads around OR Tambo Building in Queenswood will be affected by the two-day event.


Certain intersections in the vicinity of the OR Tambo Building will be closed from early on Tuesday.


The whole day on 26 March 2019:


o             Eastwood Avenue and Government Street

o             Tom Jenkins Drive and Russel Street

o             Tom Jenkins Drive and Soutpansberg Road          


From 07:00 to 09:00 on 26 March:


o             Gordon and Soutpansberg Road

o             Gordon Road and Woodlands Drive

o             Soutpansberg Road and Wren Lane (south side and complex entrance)

o             Soutpansberg Road and Van Der Merwe Street (north and south side)

o             Soutpansberg Road and Belrene Street

o             Soutpansberg road and Kaptein Street

o             Soutpansberg Road and Nuffield Street

o             Tom Jenkins drive and Jan Hugo street


Motorists are advised to avoid these streets and use alternative routes. Metro Police officers will be monitoring all the affected streets.

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