SACE probes 'homophobic' teacher in Soweto

SACE probes 'homophobic' teacher in Soweto

The South African Council for Educators is investigating the death of a Grade 9 pupil who was allegedly mocked by a teacher last month over his sexual orientation.

SACE probes 'homophobic' teacher in Soweto

Tiro Moalusi (15), who attended PJ Simelane Secondary, committed suicide after allegedly being called "Sisi-Bhuti" (sister-brother) in the classroom by the teacher.

The Gauteng Department of Education has since suspended the teacher from the school pending the investigation.

A team of psychologists has been sent to the school to provide counselling to the pupils.

“We strongly condemn any discrimination by both learners and educators, and we wish to remind all schools that any form of abuse will not be tolerated in our environment,” said Gauteng Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi.

The South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) has confirmed that it is investigating the matter, and the chapter nine institution is expected to conclude by March next year.

Moalusi was laid to rest last week Thursday in Tshepisong, west of Johannesburg.


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