Steenhuisen: South Africans victims of ‘civil war’ in ANC

Steenhuisen: South Africans victims of ‘civil war’ in ANC

The Democratic Alliance (DA) has described the African National Congress' (ANC) suspension battle as a "civil war inside the party”. 

Ace Magashule - Cyril Ramaphosa
Photo edited by Neo Motloung

Party leader John Steenhuisen says the battle is plunging the country into a constitutional crisis and that democracy may not recover.

This comes after the governing party's suspended secretary-general, Ace Magashule, decided to suspend party president Cyril Ramaphosa. 

The ANC reacted with in a statement noting Magashule letter, but stressed that the decision to suspend the secretary-general still stands.  

Steenhuisen says factions involved in ANC's “war” are not fighting for the people of South Africans. 

"On the one hand, it is clear that Ace Magashule and his fellow bandits will not hesitate to burn our country to the ground to hang onto their ill-gotten gains and stay out of jail.  

"On the other hand, it is clear that Cyril Ramaphosa’s feeble strategy of appeasement has backfired spectacularly on a President who puts the preservation of his party over the interests of our country.”

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