Top 10 cabinet reshuffle memes

Top 10 cabinet reshuffle memes

South Africans have the ability to find the humour in even the most depressing situations.

Jacob Zuma_ddw
Photo: Denvor de Wee/Visual Buzz

On Tuesday we witnessed President Jacob Zuma's twelfth cabinet reshuffle since he took office eight years ago.


That's a whole lot of shuffling.


Social media has been abuzz with some of the most hilarious memes which capture the essence of the latest axing and movement of ministers in the various departments.


Here's our top 10: 

1. Sassa fierce

2. uBaba ka Duduzane

3. Everyday I'm shuffling

4. He he he 

5. He never saw it coming

6. It's not a meme, but it deserves to make the list

7. Trying to escape the reshuffle like....

8. Winning at life?

9. Best said in Afrikaans

10. Zuma has moves

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