Violent brawl breaks out over wifi

Violent brawl breaks out over wifi

Data is an expensive commodity.

violent data brawl

So much so that it's seen two woman involved in a brutal brawl in Vereniging.

A woman took to social media to share a video of her cousin being beaten over a wifi password.

Nthateng Ngubeni says her cousin, Nonhlanhla Ngubeni, has been hospitalised after the attack.

She insists police initially refused to open a case as the suspect's mother is a police officer

WARNING: The video, which has been shared on Twitter, contains violence and is not for sensitive viewers. 

The victim, painfully recalls, the horrific ordeal in an emotional interview with Jacaranda FM News.

At this stage it's unclear why police referred the victim to report the matter at a different police station.


Police have confirmed that a case has since been opened. 

However, they were not immediately available for further comment.

Police minister Fikile Mbalula has now also stepped in.

He's taken to Twitter to get in touch with Ngubeni about the ordeal.

No arrests have yet been made.

This story will be updated as soon as more details become available. 

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