WEATHER: Frost expected in most parts of SA

WEATHER: Frost expected in most parts of SA

Here is your regional weather forecast compiled according to data supplied by the South African Weather Service. 


Gauteng: Morning frost in places, otherwise fine and cool.

Pretoria: 05 / 20

Johannesburg: 03 / 19

Mpumalanga: Morning frost in places on the Highveld, otherwise fine and cool but cold in places in the north. It will be warm in the Lowveld.

Mbombela: 07 / 22

Emalahleni: 03 / 20

Limpopo: Partly cloudy in the north and east at first, otherwise fine and cool to warm.

Polokwane: 03 / 19

North West: Morning frost in places, otherwise fine and cool, becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon.

Rustenburg: 03 / 20

Free State: Morning frost in places, otherwise fine and cool, becoming partly cloudy in the west by late afternoon.

Bloemfontein: 01 / 19

Northern Cape: Morning frost in places in the southern interior at first, otherwise fine and cool to warm but cloudy along the coast. It will become cloudy and cold in the west and south-western interior by afternoon but partly

cloudy in the east. 

Kimberley: 04 / 21

Western Cape: Partly cloudy in the north-east, otherwise cloudy and cool to cold with isolated to scattered showers and rain but widespread along the south-west coast and adjacent interior spreading along the south coast later in the day whilst clearing from the west.

Cape Town: 13 / 15

Eastern Cape: Fine and cool but cold in the south-west, becoming cloudy with isolated showers along the coast and adjacent interior from the afternoon.

Port Elizabeth: 09 / 21

KwaZulu-Natal: Morning frost in places in the west, otherwise fine and cool but warm in places in the east.

Durban: 09 / 25

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