WATCH: Siya Kolisi joins support for Alfie

WATCH: Siya Kolisi joins support for Alfie

Social media has been buzzing with rugby stars from across the world collectively showing support for 12-year-old Alfie Pugsley. 

Alfie Pugsley
(Screenshot @Puggster/Twitter)

Alfie was trolled on Facebook for being “too big” and “unhealthy” to play with the under-12s after his father posted a picture of him at a rugby match.


Since the post, which has been removed, countless rugby players and officials have joined in support of Alfie and offered words of encouragement for him to continue playing the sport.


Springbok captain Siya Kolisi joined in on Twitter, telling Alfie he’s a true champion and to not waste time on the haters.


“I’m proud of you for being a true champion through your hard work and determination. Keep doing what you do and don’t let anyone tell you who you can’t be.


“Never make yourself small because of small-minded people. Dlala kwekwe kulate ngoku to waste time on haters.

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