Nerve-racking video shows truck narrowly missing child

Nerve-racking video shows truck narrowly missing child

CCTV footage has shown how a child on a bicycle narrowly missed being crushed by a massive truck.

image trucking missing child on road

Talk about having an angel watching over you... 

Two boys were biking home from school in Ha Noi, Vietnam earlier this month when they came across a truck approaching them slowly. The boys pulled over to the side of the narrow road to let the truck pass, but one of the boys lost his balance.

While taking the corner, the boy can be seen losing momentum, falling into the road just as the truck is passing by. Somehow, be it sheer luck or quick reflexes from the truck driver, the boy escaped getting run over, though it appears his backpack was underneath the truck's tire. 

Apart from being extremely lucky, it's highly important to always wear your helmet. In the below video, the children are not wearing helmets. 

Helmets, guys. Helmets!

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