The world's first colouring-in car is here!

The world's first colouring-in car is here!

Could this colouring-in car be the solution to your child's boredom?


Colouring-in is one activity that has not only stood the test of time, but it has passed on from generation to generation as a fun and interactive activity. 

Perfect for any occasion, and somewhat time consuming, colouring-in is definitely one way your kids will be entertained for hours. 

Now, the world's first fully designed colouring-in car has been launched and it's what every child's dreams are made of!

So instead of hearing your child's constant nagging of 'Are we there yet?' or 'Mom, I am bored', the geniuses over at Hertz used popular colouring-in book pages - featuring houses, animals and flowers to create the unique look. Cool, right? 

Renting this car could be a cool once-off thing to do, but buying something like this is another story. 

Is it only us who can't stop thinking about what happens when there is no more images to colour in? 

Would you rent a car like this for your long road trip?

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