"Naked" topiary has Sheffield residents in a frenzy

"Naked" topiary has Sheffield residents in a frenzy

Keith Tyssen's suggestively poised houseplant has become the source of contention in his Sheffield neighbourhood. 

sculpture in garden
Garden sculpture of naked woman/Pixabay/RalfGervink 79 images

Keith Tyssen is a proud topiarist who has been cultivating his privet plant, which pride of place at the front of his house, for over 40 years. 
What began as an homage to Greek gods morphed into a reclining woman whom Keith has dubbed the "Privet Lady".

Understandably, Keith's creation attracts a lot of attention in his Sheffield neighbourhood. For the most part, Keith welcomes it. But lately, he has had a difficult time keeping drunk revellers who pass by his house away from his beloved lady. 

Keith is upset that people choose to climb on top of the plant and behave in lewd ways. They are not respecting the Privet Lady and Keith says "It makes me feel a bit sick, really. That's just not the way to behave - in lots of ways."

The behaviour of the people in the neighbourhood has forced Keith to consider putting up an alarm or a sign as a detterant. 

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