How bad is Cape Town’s water shortage?

How bad is Cape Town’s water shortage?

You’ll never understand how bad it is until you see these photos.

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Kriya Gangiah

Kriya recently took a trip to the beautiful city of Cape Town and as she was flying back to Johannesburg, she caught a glimpse of how bad the water shortage really is.

While visiting a number of places and even in the hotel there were a number of posters and signs that clearly asked visitors to use water sparingly and even time the period that they have the water running, keeping it to under 30 seconds.

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However, you don't really get a true understanding of just how bad it is until you get the full view of it.

ALSO READ: Chilling photos of Cape Town’s shocking dam levels

While on the plane we flew over the mountain and farm areas that would normally be littered with little dams and rivers. However, this time it was different.

The dams and rivers were very low and on almost all pools of water the banks and walls can be clearly seen.

Take a look at the scary photos below.

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Kriya Gangiah
water in CT
Kriya Gangiah
water in CT
Kriya Gangiah

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