Comical bride travels everywhere with wedding dress - fears it might get stolen

Comical bride has Carla in tears from laughter

Picture this: A bride-to-be doing last-minute errands with her wedding dress over her shoulder.

The Late Show troue
Jenni Elizabeth

Weddings are no cake walk!


Getting engaged and planning one's special day is a time to celebrate love and commitment.


It's generally an extremely exciting time, however, it can also be rather stressful.

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This South African bride-to-be decided to ditch the worries and take it upon herself and her bride boy to keep her wedding dress safe.


With just four days to go until her big day, Mitzi Gilbert (DJ Chopper) picked up her wedding dress with a long to-do list waiting to be ticked off.

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She worried her dress would get stolen out of her car and so decided to do some last-minute errands with her wedding gown in tow.


The Late Show's Carla Mackenzie caught up with the bride-to-be to hear all about her adventure with her wedding dress.


Here's the photos as proof!

We wish Mitzi and Klara a lifetime of happiness!


What were you most stressed about days before your wedding?


Let us know in the comments section below!

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