Are you married to a child?

Are you married to a child?

The kind of man who refuses to take responsibility for anything, he sulks, plays games the whole day, refuses to share and compete with his kids. Are you married to one of these men?

Men who refuse to grow up
Tobias Hickey

A middle aged man recently lost a match on an episode of a popular TV show, 'Robot Wars' to a group of children and stormed off the set like a child.

This got us thinking, adults have moments where they are just childish, but what about adults who simply refuse to grow up? Adults you constantly have to fuss about or maybe even "mother" because they just won't grow? A lot of women have pointed fingers at their men and said they are children in adult bodies. 

The truth of the matter is, most of us have heard stories about married men who would choose to buy a beer over his child's formula. Men who think they're doing their wives favours by looking after their kids and others who will sulk for weeks because someone refused them something. 

What do you do when your partner simply refuses to grow up?

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