A dad that has mastered parenting a toddler with just one move

A dad that has mastered parenting a toddler with just one move

This has got to be the coolest dad yet...

A man carrying his kid like a grocery bag
A man carrying his kid like a grocery bag/Instagram Screenshot/@Pubity

Dads have a separate set of superpowers that can sometimes only be described as 'out-of-this-world'.

Not to toot the dad horn or anything, but when it comes to finding a solution, dads are quite inventive. 

One dad in particular caught our attention with his ingenious moves. 

In a video we assume was posted by the mom, we see their toddler lying on the driveway as if she is sleeping. 

Mom gave some context by saying that their two-year-old refused to walk into the house after they returned home from shopping, so, dad resolved the problem in one swift move. 

P.S. We need to work our arms out more...

Watch the video below, courtesy of Instagram


  • "Sooo what do I do when my man acts like a baby?"
  • "This video is so old ,that 2 yr old would have his own 2 yr old now"
  • "When you're just done with your kids nonsense..."
  • "And THIS is the very reason the child is refusing! I mean, what child doesn’t want to be carried like luggage!"

Image Courtesy of Instagram

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