Etiquette expert shares how you should be eating large burgers

Etiquette expert shares how you should be eating large burgers

"Unless you're in the circus, nobody can fit anything this size in their mouth."

Photo of person holding a large burger
Photo of person holding a large burger/Pexels/@KeziaLynn

When we were younger, our parents played a big role in how we do and say things. 

From the way we eat to the way we behave, it can be said that we pick up habits from those closest to us. 

One of the things that not all parents know how to do right and therefore it gets passed onto their kids is how to eat in the most proper manner. 

And unless you grew up in the royal family, we doubt that it was made a priority in your home life. 

Recently, we found out how we should be eating spaghetti, according to an Etiquette Expert

And now, we came across a video of well-known British Etiquette Expert, William Hanson, on how we should eat a dagwood-style burger. 

For someone who works on the premise of being proper, he sure does have a spicy personality.

We have to say, we can appreciate his honesty as it goes well with his character. 

Watch the video below where he shared the proper way of eating a large burger. 

Courtesy of TikTok

@williamhansonetiquette If only I could #dining #etiquette #williamhanson ♬ Strangers - Kenya Grace

Image Courtesy of Pexels

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