Mother shares her secret to bonding with her children

Mother shares her secret to bonding with her children

Sometimes you have to learn something about yourself first to become a better parent...

Two kids playing together on a play date
Two kids playing together on a play date/Pexels

It's so easy to get consumed by societal expectations in all facets of life - especially in parenting. 

Questioning our decisions, wondering if we are doing the proverbial right things with our kids. The constant questioning and feelings of inadequacy can be tiring and, worse, can negatively impact your relationship with your child. 

Essentially, it can box your child up and prevent them from being their true selves. 

But one mother who uses her social media platform to share her journey on parenting shared a key insight she has learnt. 

She talks about how the moment she became happy with her own authentic self and moved away from worrying what others thought of her, she was able to parent better. 

Essentially, she shares her secret to being able to bond better with her children. 

And isn't that what any parent wants, to be able to have a solid, happy, loving, understanding, and respectful bond with their kids?

She found that when she stopped living up to society's expectations of a well-behaved child, and stopped comparing her kids to others, she was able to bond better with her kids. 

We love how she explained it all so eloquently, and, most of all, we love that she is not afraid to speak her truth about working on herself first. 


Too often we believe that we are always right and our kids are wrong, and that they should listen to us. 

But if we take the time to pause and look inwardly at our own 'bad behaviour', then we will learn that sometimes kids just need to be left alone to be kids. 

And learning that there is nothing wrong with that, and accepting that is so important. 

WATCH her video below. Courtesy of Instagram

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