What to do when another child is rough with your child

What to do when another child is rough with your child

Contrary to popular opinion, you are allowed to be concerned with your child's wellbeing and not concerned about offending people...

Siblings playing on playground
Siblings playing on playground/Pexels

Far too often, we are afraid of stepping on other parents' toes when we are advocating for our kids. 

And the truth is as parents, we all should be on the same page regarding not taking things personally. 

However, talking to a child that is playing rough with your kid, and talking to that child's parent/s isn't what we would call an easy thing to do. 

It comes with a host of awkwardness, and we believe that that awkward feeling comes with societal norms that have left us paralysed. 

We should be able to talk to each other respectfully and honestly without feeling like we are offending someone when advocating for our kids. 

A licensed family therapist, Eli Harwood, has touched on this sensitive topic. She shared a parenting tip on how to handle children who are playing rough with your child. 

WATCH her advice, she does a short role-play on how to handle a child playing rough with your child. 

Courtesy of TikTok

@attachmentnerd Small children need calm and confident grown ups to intervene when there are rough hands. you are modeling for them that it's okay to set boundaries when someone is being hurtful with them and you are communicating to them that you care about what happens to their bodies. #attachment #attachmenttheory #childdevelopment #therapistthoughts #behavior #discipline #learning #parentingtips #teaching #respectfulparenting #consciousparenting #gentleparenting #secureattachment #toddlers #securelyattached ♬ original sound - Eli Harwood

She really said it best when she said:  

"Small children need calm and confident grownups to intervene when there are rough hands. 

You are modeling for them that it's okay to set boundaries when someone is being hurtful to them, and you are communicating to them that you care about what happens to their bodies." (TikTok)

Sometimes, let's be honest, almost all the time, the calm leaves our bodies and minds as soon as we see something done that we don't approve of. So, perhaps trying Eli's method will help us and the kids. 

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Image Courtesy of Pexels

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