This is for anyone who has already given up on their New Year's resolutions

This is for anyone who has already given up on their New Year's resolutions

Who needs New Year's resolutions, when you can have end-of-year "revelations"?

mila on resolutions

It has been said that New Year's resolutions are only a to-do list for the first week of January. Others believe that it is not worth buying into the "new year, new me!" hype, because at the end of January it is highly likely that you will have fallen back into your bad habits. 

So perhaps, instead of making resolutions based on what you want to do, you should consider making revelations about what you actually achieved. 

ALSO READ: A visual representation of you the day after a big Christmas lunch

As usual, Mila is here with the kind of sage advice that we all need in this situation. Watch as she reveals some hard truths about setting big goals at the beginning of the year:

Mila’s not into resolutions...more like revelations!!

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The good news is that one glass of red wine every now and then is still considered good for your health, so it should be very easy for you to keep things "merlo-key" this 2018!

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