Dramatic body cam footage reveals what happened during Las Vegas police chase

Dramatic body cam footage reveals what happened during Las Vegas police chase

Police in Las Vegas were involved in a deadly shootout with two murder suspects. 

las vegas police chase
Las Vegas Metro Police Dept./The officer kept his cool during an intense police chase.

Police officers in Las Vegas were investigating the shooting of a 25-year-old man when they received a notification about a black Ford Expedition which was apparently fleeing the scene.

The car matched the description of the vehicle that suspects in the man's murder were driving, so officer William Umana gave chase. He drove behind the SUV, which was weaving through traffic at a high speed, and shot at the Ford through the windscreen of his own vehicle. 

The dramatic body cam footage of the chase and shootout was released by the Las Vegas Police. 

The following video contains violent imagery. Viewer discretion is advised. 

The two suspects that officer Umana was chasing have been identified as Fidel Miranda and Rene Nunez. The two fired at officer Umana in retaliation; the shooting ended with the fatal injury of Fidel Miranda. 

Rene Nunez was arrested. 

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Since the video footage was released, people have been weighing in on officer Umana's conduct during the shootout. Specifically, people have praised officer Umana for staying focused under pressure. Police are highly trained, but they cannot be sure how they will manage driving and shooting at suspects until they are in the situation.

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