Guy jumps over LA highway with his bike in silly stunt

Guy jumps across LA highway with his dirt bike in silly stunt

What was this guy thinking?!

Dirt bike stunt

Certain things in life should not be done - such as putting your life and the lives of others at risk in order to pull a stunt.

Instagram user, kyle_katsandris, uploaded a video of himself jumping his dirt bike across the 60 Freeway in Riverside County, California. How insane is that?!

Kyle was so proud of the stunt that he decided to post the video on his Instagram and YouTube accounts. 

Although some people thought it was amazing, police were not impressed. Not that we blame them!

According to several reports, police are now searching for Kyle and everyone wo took part in the stunt.

See the ridiculous and dangerous stunt below.

Also read: Chef Brett Ladds butters up the perfect sandwich

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