Local game hunter crushed to death after elephant he killed falls on him

Local game hunter crushed to death after elephant he killed falls on him

It was an unfortunate turn of events for both the game hunter and the elephant.


A well-known hunter from Johannesburg has been killed by an elephant. 

Theunis Botha, 51, was leading a group of hunters in Gwai, Zimbabwe when they came across a breeding herd of elephants.

Three elephants stormed towards the group, and Botha fired at them. This caused a fourth elephant to charge at them from the side and managed to grab hold of Botha with its trunk. In response, a member of the hunting group fired a shot that caused Botha's death.

As the elephant collapsed after being shot, it fell on Botha, crushing him to death.

Simukai Nyasha, a spokesman for Zimparks, said the incident happened on Friday afternoon at the Good Luck Farm near Hwange National Park.

Watch a video of Botha from previous hunts below.

Please note: Video is not for sensitive viewers.

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