Toyota Jacaranda Pops Line-up

Toyota Jacaranda Pops Line-up

Toyota Jacaranda Pops is going to be a lekker day out with your family! Join Dr. Victor, Karen Zoid, Karlien van Jaarsveld, Khaya, Lilly Million, Nicholis Louw and the Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra!


Dr. Victor



For more than 15 years Dr. Victor, Victor Khojane as he is also known,  has been crafting and creating an uplifting, up tempo sound that has earned this singer, musician, songwriter and producer an enviable reputation on the South African music scene and many devoted fans all over the world.  Dr. Victor himself has continued to have a creative hand in the lives of many homegrown artists – from both South Africa and the African continent. He produced and co-wrote Dawnay’s album, “You Touch Me (Horny)” and worked with Raymond, a Zimbabwean artist who works with Mbira music. What’s more, Dr. Victor’s love of jazz and his skills as a highly accomplished musician (he plays guitar and piano) have also had an outing on the album, Laid Back Sunday, with the group Kalimba.


Karen Zoid 

Karen Zoid has become an important part of the South African music scene. Since releasing her first solo album, Poles Apart (2002).  The release of her first solo album (Poles Apart) 10 years ago fired the imagination of both critics and the public when she burst onto the scene with the song Afrikaners is plesierig.  The song became iconic and Karen Zoid became South Africa’s queen of rock crossing over between Afrikaans and English markets.


Karlien van Jaarsveld

 Karlien van Jaarsveld is die oudste van 3 kinders. Sy is die ouer suster van die reeds bekende Bobby van Jaarsveld. Karlien is nie ‘n nuwe gesig in die musiekbedryf nie. Sy het 3 jaar gelede begin om saam met Bobby op te tree as sy kitaarspeler en backing vocalist. Sy het ook ‘n duet saam met Bobby gedoen op sy eerste album. Karlien het so 2 jaar gelede besluit om haar eie ding te doen en het toe ‘n rockband gestig, REVOLUSIE. Sy was dus die stigter en hoofsanger van die groep, REVOLUSIE. Rockmusiek was maar altyd in haar bloed en sy het die 2 jaar saam met REVOLUSIE beskou as een van die beste leerskole ooit.




Khaya is South African Idols Season 8 winner. The drummer and a self-taught percussionist, keyboards player, guitarist, composer, worshiper and church music director was introduced to many when he first joined Joyous Celebration, a popular contemporary gospel music group.  Indeed Khaya has found his purpose in music; his hot single “Move” is getting a lot of airplay and has sold more the 10,000 copies to date since its release on the 30th of September 2012.


Lilly Million  


 The young and charismatic Lillian Million, better known as Lilly Million has been captivating audiences across Johannesburg with her soulful organic folk vibe. The singer songwriter has managed to produce a sound that’s uniquely unlike anything SA has ever seen, stirring great excitement among the lonely hearts of SA’s music enthusiasts.


Nicholis Louw 


 Met sy geloof, passie, viriele energie, stylveelsydigheid en spontane talent as liedjieskrywer en vertolker het Nicholis Louw hom gevestig

as ‘n uitmuntende vertolker van polspop, poprock, hartstogballades en kontemporêre gospel. Met ritmeplukkende trefferparadeknakkers

en stewige middelmootnuutskeppinge in Afrikaans en Engels bied dié multi-platinumster musiek wat onmiddellik tréf.


Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra  

Formed by a group of committed, resilient musicians, the Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra (JPO) was established in May 2000 following the demise of the National Symphony Orchestra. The year 2013 marks the thirteenth year of the JPO's existence, and we can proudly look back on a decade of great achievements.


“The Toyota Jacaranda Pops has become known as a great outing for the whole family. As a truly family focused brand we are very proud to be associated with the event and look forward to an even bigger bash this year,” says Kerry Roodt, General Manager for Marketing Communications at Toyota South Africa Motors.


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