Warren Whiteley tells Martin and Tumi 2023 Rugby World Cup announcement will go down to the wire

Warren Whiteley tells Martin and Tumi 2023 Rugby World Cup announcement will go down to the wire

Do you think that South Africa will win the bid to host the Rugby World Cup 2023?

martin and tumi wearing green and gold springboks

If you're a fan of rugby or proudly South African, you will know that the country awaits the news as to whether it will host the 2023 Rugby World Cup later today.

Build up to the big announcement will take place from 14:30 today, with the final announcement being revealed at 15:00. 

Do you think South African deserves to host the world in 2023?

If you recall your memories and moments shared during the 2010 FIFA World Cup, you would know that the country became united and had a shared vision. 

Martin Bester and Tumi Morake caught up with injured Springboks captain, Warren Whiteley, who shared his thoughts on today's announcement and whether or not he thinks we will win the vote. 

Whiteley told Martin and Tumi that South Africa is "the preferred candidate" to host the world cup. 

Many listeners took to our Facebook page to share their views:

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