Amber Rose defends sudden support of Donald Trump

Amber Rose defends sudden support of Donald Trump

Amber Rose has come under fire after she showed support for Donald Trump. This is what she had to say about her controversial move...

Amber Rose and Trump Instagram post
Amber Rose and Trump Instagram post

Amber Rose shocked the world when she endorsed Donald Trump via Instagram.

She posted a photo alongside Trump and his wife Melania Trump.

Rose captioned the post, “Trump 2024”, and added three American flag emojis.

READ: Amber Rose plans talk show?

Her endorsement comes after she previously criticised the former US president and even called him a sexual predator. 

In 2017, shared a picture of a streetcorner trashcan, which she dubbed, "Trump". "Trump thinks he's slick showing up to the Women's March in La," she wrote.

READ: Amber Rose supports Kim Kardashian

Amber defends her decision to support Trump 

The media personality responded to the Shade Room after it posted her photo with Trump. 

"Lmaooo y’all think Biden cares about black ppl??? Sad. Do your research,” she commented on The Shade Room's post.

She claimed that her support for Trump is mostly influenced by the rights of women and black people. 

“I did. I’ll always put women first. Y’all want biological men in women’s sports. Trump supports the most reasonable compromise on abortion. Stop being brainwashed, cuz WE’RE ppl of color. Make your own decisions," she wrote. 

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