Boy Mamabolo apologises to Malema and Mantoa

Boy Mamabolo apologises to Malema and Mantoa

ANC MP Boy Mamabolo has issued an apology to EFF Leader Julius Malema and his wife Mantoa Malema for his recent defaming allegations. 

Boy Mamabolo
Boy Mamabolo / Facebook

This comes after Mamabolo used the first day of debating the State of the Nation Address (SONA) to accuse Malema of having abused his wife.

The EFF leader lashed back immediately and denied the allegations. 

This was in the same sitting on Tuesday afternoon during which Malema also accused President Cyril Ramaphosa of allegedly beating his late wife, Nomazizi Mtshotshisa.

READ: 'It was a desperate act of defence', says Malema as he apologises to Ramaphosa

Malema has since apologised for the comment. 

In his apology to the Malema's, Mamabolo claims that he received information of the abuse from Mantoa's 'jealous friends'.

"I was therefore actually wrong to raise the matter in public without consulting with you as my former family friends, to verify these false allegations from jealous 'Friends of Mantoa'," reads the statement by Mamabolo. 

"Gender Based Violence in South Africa has reached an alarming rate and is not a matter to be used to settle political scores," concludes Mamabolo


Dear Mr JS and Mrs Mantoa Malema 

I would like to take this opportunity to apologise and Retract the insensitive statements that I have made in Parliament and outside regarding Gender Based Violence which was allegedly happening in your household. My question to Mr. Malema in terms of rule 14L (a) of the Joint Sitting was influenced by the SMS’s and WhatsApp messages that I received from the So-called “Mantoa’s friends “.

I posed the Question to Mr Malema because the President during the Special Joint Sitting last year called upon us to expose any form of GBV in our country, and some jealous friends called “Friends of Mantoa “ started sending me msgs since November last year .

I was therefore actually wrong to raise the matter in public without consulting with you as my former family friends to verify these false allegations from jealous Friends of Mantoa.

Gender Based Violence in South Africa has reached an alarming rate and is not a matter to be used to settle political scores . SAPS recoded 177,620 reported crimes against women in the 2017/18 Financial year that ended 31st March 2019.

These statistics states 36,731 sexual offenses, including rape, assault and the murder of 2, 930 women.The fight against Femicide and GBV is a fight I recommit myself to and even after these unfortunate events I will continue to contribute in Challenging it and fighting it. My actions impugned your reputation.

I have taken liberty to send a copy of this Statement to the Hon.Speaker of the National Assembly , Hon. Chairperson of the NCOP , Our ANC Whippery Under the leadership of Mbokodo Mme Pemmy Majodina and his Excellency the President as I extended my apology to them , and further apologise to my fellow members in both houses and the country in large .

Members of Parliament are suppose to be the epitome of respect for Gender Equality and Champions of Gender oppression free society.

I humbly request you to accept my sincere apology, I wish you a Happy Malema Family (as I’ve always did) jealous must never brake you , Stay strong my Comrades .

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