Closing arguments in Mangaung trial

Closing arguments in Mangaung trial

The State started presenting closing arguments in the Mangaung treason trial in the Bloemfontein High Court on Monday.


The State started presenting closing arguments in the Mangaung treason trial in the Bloemfontein High Court on Monday.

Johan Prinsloo, 51, of Springs, Gauteng, is facing charges of treason, conspiracy to commit terrorism, and possession of illegal ammunition.

Prinsloo allegedly planned to attack the African National Congress's Mangaung elective conference at the University of Free State in December 2012.

Prosecutor Torie Pretorius said he was convinced the State had proved Prinsloo was involved in the plan to attack ANC leaders.

"Testimony of the eight witnesses proves that Prinsloo attended several meetings where the planned attacks were discussed," he said.

Pretorius said key to the State's case were meetings in Ficksburg and Kroonstad where the alleged plot was discussed. He said these meetings were monitored by police, and photographs were taken.

"The testimony of the witnesses might not prove that the accused was the main peanut in the plot, but it proves that he was the financier," Pretorius said.

He said the State proved Prinsloo paid R23,000 into witness Jan Scherman's bank account on December 15, 2012. He financed the trip to Ficksburg where they tried to buy mortar bombs.

Pretorius said although the testimony of some witnesses could be criticised, most of it had a ring of truth.

He said further evidence of the truthfulness of some of the testimony was that two of the witnesses who testified were police agents who were unaware of each other's roles in the saga.

Last year, Prinsloo's co-accused Mark Trollip struck a plea bargain deal with the State which saw him agree to an eight-year prison term.


(File Photo: Gallo Images)

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