Continued load shedding threat to state security -Ntshavheni

Continued load shedding threat to state security -Ntshavheni

Minister in the Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni says continued load shedding doesn't only create an environment for criminals to operate in darkness, but also has the potential to create a politically unstable environment. 

Minister of Communications Khumbudzo Ntshavheni  Registrations for digital migration remain low

Ntshavheni was presenting the State Security Agency (SSA)’s budget policy statement in the National Assembly (NA) on Friday. 

The country has been surviving with only a few hours of electricity a day due to Eskom's shortage of generation capacity. 

Ntshavheni says government is concerned about regular load shedding and its impact on state security. 

"Continued severe load-shedding creates an environment for criminal elements to operate in the cover of darkness,” she says.  

“The combination and effect of these negative factors have the potential to lead to a socially and politically unstable environment, by making communities and civil society at large susceptible to mobilisation against the government by elements with nefarious agendas.” 

“Given the centrality of Eskom to South Africa's electricity generation, transmission and distribution, a negative impact on its operation poses a great threat to the economic security of this country. 

“Thus, any threat to the viability and the operation of Eskom is accorded the requisite priority in terms of the SSA work," says Ntshavheni. 

Ntshavheni told MPs that South Africa is faced with multiple challenges that may pose a national security threat, first is crime and corruption. 

"Crime and corruption are threatening to reach endemic levels. This ranges from organised crime, transnational crime, petty crime and threats to community safety as characterised by high levels of gender-based violence and femicide.” 

She adds: “The nature of the crimes in South Africa points to a problem that must be addressed holistically and not only through law enforcement measures.” 

The partnerships with communities to rebuild a societal framing that is anti-corruption and anti-crime have become urgent," adds Ntshavheni.


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