Eskom told to return with a better wage offer

Eskom told to return with a better wage offer

Wage negations between Eskom and unions are set to continue on Thursday, after stakeholders once again failed to reach a wage agreement.

Eskom Holdings
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Three unions representing Eskom workers say they remain united and are forging ahead with the wage talks.

The Eskom representatives are expected to return to the wage discussions in Woodmead with a clear position received from management. 

The impasse continued on Wednesday afternoon, after the NUM, Solidarity and Numsa rejected Eskom's latest offer of a 5% increase.

According to the Numsa's Irvin Jim, the offer was not good enough to present to their members.

ALSO READ: Eskom, unions return to the negotiation table

"We called on them to be sober and give their final offer, which we will be able to consider. We want Eskom to be serious."

Unions are requesting a 9% increase for this year, 8.6% increase for next year and 8.5% for 2020.

The embattled parastatal presented a 5% hike for 2018, an inflation-based increase for the next two years plus a 0.6% and 0.7% increment respectively.

But the unions told Eskom that it can do better.

"Eskom has not presented an offer which is worth shifting from our positions," says Jim.

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