Maharaj: There is a Mandela, Tambo in all of us

Maharaj: There is a Mandela, Tambo in all of us

ANC stalwart Mac Maharaj has urged the country's political leaders to put the people - and not themselves - first. 

Mac Maharaj_gcis
Photo: GCIS

Maharaj was delivering a lecture on the life and times of Nelson Mandela.


"Just as the struggle and the ANC moulded Mandela and Tambo, each of them were moulded individually and were moulded as a team and they in turn helped shape the ANC," Maharaj says.


"Their footprints are carved on the rock face of Africa's history and their service is burnished in the minds of peace loving people throughout the world - beyond our continent.


"May we and generations to come derive strength from them and act in the knowledge that there is a possibility, a potential, of a Mandela, a Tambo, a Sisulu in each of us. That potential is there. If we commit to and never forget that we exist to serve the people."


Maharaj says the country's people has always been at the centre of everything the ANC does and that leadership is about listening to the people. 


Maharaj says Mandela, OR Tambo and Walter Sisulu had leadership qualities borne from resilience, courage and persistence.

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