Mantashe: ANCYL task team dissolved

Mantashe: ANCYL task team dissolved

With the new leadership of the ANC Youth League duly elected,  the national task team (NTT) is officially dissolved, ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe said on Sunday.

Mantashe: ANCYL task team dissolved
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The national task team is now dissolved; we have now officially dissolved the NTT. The newly elected leadership of the ANCYL are now in charge,” Mantashe said to loud applause from delegates at the leagues elective conference in Midrand, Johannesburg.

The new executive would have a team from the ANC working with them in future.

”We saw what happened at the league previously; there will be a team to work together with you from now on,” Mantashe said.

The NTT was appointed by the ANC to rebuild the fractured youth organisation’s structures after it was dissolved in 2013. Arts and Culture Minister Nathi Mthethwa was the co-ordinator of the NTT, while Sport Minister Fikile Mbalula was the convenor.

North West ANCYL chairman Collen Maine was elected ANCYL president. Mpumalanga chairman Desmond Moela was elected deputy president and Njabulo Nzuza, the secretary in the Musa Dladla region in KwaZulu-Natal, was elected secretary general. Limpopo’s deputy chairwoman Thandi Moraka was elected Nzuza’s deputy and Reggie Nkabinde from Gauteng’s West Rand took the position of treasurer.

The so-called “premiers’ league”, comprising of ANC leaders such as North West premier Supra Mahumapelo, Free State’s Ace Magashule, and Mpumalanga’s David Mabuza, had reportedly advanced Maine as candidate for the league presidency.

The now defunct NTT has since denied reports that leaders were imposed on the conference.

The league’s previous leadership was led by Julius Malema. Malema, who formed his own political party, the Economic Freedom Fighters, was expelled from the ANCYL in 2012 for bringing the party into disrepute.

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