More than 1.4m break-ins at homes over past year, new survey finds

More than 1.4m break-ins at homes over past year, new survey finds

Statistics South Africa says there has been some 1.4 million break-ins at homes across South Africa in the 2021/22 financial year.

House Robbery
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The break-ins affected 983 000 households.

Statistician-general Risenga Maluleke released the results of the Victims of Crime report from the Governance, Public Safety and Justice Survey on Tuesday.


The report covers the experience of specific types of crime by households and individuals, the incidences, and the reporting of crime. 

This includes housebreaking, theft of personal property, assault, sexual offences, vehicle hijacking and home robbery amongst others.

 Maluleke said the experience of break-ins increased by 14%.

"The number of affected households represents 5.4% of all households in the country. Almost 60% of households that experienced housebreaking reported some or all incidences to the police.

“An estimated 205 000 incidences of home robberies occurred, affecting 155 000 households in 2021/22. The number of affected households represents 0,9% of all households in the country. About 66% of households that experienced home robbery reported some or all incidences to the police," said Maluleke.

A total of  42 000 households experienced the theft of motor vehicles during the same period.

"About 57% of households that experienced theft of motor vehicles reported some or all incidences to the police, which is a 33,8 percentage point decrease compared to the previous year," said Maluleke.

People who felt safe walking alone in their neighbourhoods during the day decreased from 84.8% to 81.3%, while those who felt safe walking alone at night decreased from 39.6% to 36%.

"Females, in general, felt safer walking alone in their neighbourhood than males during the day. Similarly, rural residents had a greater feeling of safety walking alone in their areas when it is dark than residents in urban areas. About 48%  indicated that they have done something to protect themselves.” 

Only 3.8% indicated they carry a weapon as the main thing they have done to protect themselves against crime.


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