Naptosa: Only ‘implicated’ should rewrite leaked exam papers

Naptosa: Only ‘implicated’ should rewrite leaked exam papers

The National Professional Teachers' Organisation of South Africa (Naptosa) says only the pupils implicated in the matric exam leaks scandal should have to rewrite the papers.  

Matric Exams 2020
Steve Bhengu

The Department of Basic Education announced on Friday that all matrics will have to rewrite the Mathematics 2 and Physical Science Paper 2 papers.

Both the papers leaked on the eve of the exam last month.   

Naptosa president Nkosiphendule Ntantala says only implicated pupils should rewrite the exams.  

“We want to say we understand the decision that the minister has made, particularly on the basis of the integrity of the examinations. However, we do not believe that every learner should rewrite the examination. Our view has been that it must only be those learners who are found to have received the leaked papers that must rewrite the examinations.”  

Ntantala says the union has submitted its demand to the department.

“When the committee on irregularities sat on the 1st of December, the mandate that we gave to our representative was to say they must submit, on behalf of Naptosa, that only those learners affected must rewrite. 

“Alternatively, if there is no certainty around who got the paper, at least those schools where those learners are should be caused to write. That was our submission to the National Education Irregularities Committee. As Naptosa and we stand by that view.”  

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