New Nersa guidelines to allow for stage 16 load shedding

New Nersa guidelines to allow for stage 16 load shedding

The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) has approved new guidelines that allows Eskom to implement load shedding from stage 1 to 16.

Woman reading book with candles
Woman reading book with candles/ iStock

The previous guidelines only allowed Eskom to implement load shedding up to stage 6.

The code of practice was developed by a  group of experts appointed by the National Rationalised Specifications Association of South Africa (NRS Association).

The association says the guidelines are necessary to help prevent a national blackout or total electricity grid collapse.

It adds that changes and enhancements were made based on extensive use of higher stages of load shedding, stage 5 and stage 6, and feedback from licensees and customers, amongst other things.

"The changes and enhancements included in this third edition are consolidation of the load shedding stages into a single system from stage 1 to 16, restricting all licensees to using this system as specified in this code of practice, or being able to explain to Nersa why they do not and how their specific system still adheres to the principles herein.

"The increased control of how load shedding and load curtailment are determined and carried out, providing more stability to the network and more certainty to curtailment customers."

On Friday afternoon, the embattled utility announced that power cuts will remain suspended until further notice.

Spokesperson Daphne Mokwena said the  decision was a result of sustained available generation capacity and adequate emergency reserves.


NERSA Approved Version of NRS 048-9-2023 Edition 3 by anastasi mankese mokgobu on Scribd

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