New special unit to recoup R14.7 billion in civil claims

New special unit to recoup R14.7 billion in civil claims

President Cyril Ramaphosa says the newly established Special Investigating Unit (SIU) Special Tribunal has set its sight on recovering at least R14.7 billion in civil claims.

Ramaphosa ON the SONA

Ramaphosa says monies owed to the state will be recouped.

During his State of the Nation Address on Thursday evening, the President vowed to remove public servants who use the state’s coffers as their personal piggy bank.

ALSO READ: [FULL SPEECH] President Cyril Ramaphosa's SONA

“We need to ensure that public money stolen is returned and used to deliver services and much needed basic infrastructure to the poorest communities.”

Ramaphosa says he has instructed the National Director of Public Prosecutions (NDPP), Shamila Batohi, to develop a plan to significantly increase the capacity and effectiveness of the prosecuting authority.

“We expect that the new SIU Special Tribunal will start its work within the next few months to fast track civil claims arising from SIU investigations, which are currently estimated to be around R14.7 billion.”

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