NIDS released in Pretoria

NIDS released in Pretoria

The Department of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation on Thursday released the results of the National Income Dynamic Study in Pretoria. 

Maryke Vermaak

The National Income Dynamic Study, or NIDS, provides one of the key instruments to monitor policy performance and the extent to which the National Development Plan's goals are being achieved. 


NIDS has found that 75% of people who were severely poor in 2008, are still living in poverty.


In a video message Minister in the Presidency, Jeff Radebe said the information would be used for policy making.


"When this was initiated it was apparent that the South African society was undergoing rapid economic, political and social change and out government had to have a better understanding of all these dynamics in terms of mobility, poverty and the household. The aim of this National Income Dynamic Study is to provide date on the changing dynamics of out South African society. It tells us a very comprehensive story about what is happening to all South African from rich to the poor. It provides us with empirical evidence of the unfolding story of the changes - both positive and negative - in the lives of all South African people."


Professor Ingrid Woolardprof explained that NIDS is the first national household panel study in South Africa and the aim is to provide empirical data on the changing socio-economic dynamics of South African society.

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