Online registration for vaccines to open on Friday

Online registration for vaccines to open on Friday

South Africans 60 years-old and above will be able to register on the Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS) self-registration portal from Friday. 

Vaccine/ iStock

This is in preparation for the second phase of the vaccination roll-out expected in mid-May. 

The target for phase 2 is 14 million elder citizens who are at the highest risk of hospitalisation. 

Millions of the J&J and Pfizer vaccine are expected to land in the country in the coming weeks to finalize phase 1 for health workers and prepare to kickstart phase 2. 

The registration drive comes amid the decision by the government to pause the rollout of the J&J vaccine due to blood clotting fears. 

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Citizens are encouraged to use the EVDS system, however, those who do not have internet access will be allowed to register at vaccination sites.

The Department of Health's Dr. Lesley Bamford said all people who register during this phase for elder citizens are guaranteed a vaccine.

"We are encouraging who have older relatives who may not be able to register online for themselves to assist them but then of course there will be other ways whereby people can register. Some of the provinces will be running local registration drives and closure to vaccination there will also be facilities close to vaccination sites or at the sites where people can register," said Bamford

She added that registration will in May when vaccinations are rollout. 

Only South African citizens and registered foreign nationals can register on the portal. 

 What you need to register:

 -ID or passport

-Access to internet on any device

-Place of work or residence. 

-Contact details


The final phase of the vaccination rollout is expected in November. 

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