Our responsibility to look after environment: Mashaba

Our responsibility to look after environment: Mashaba

Johannesburg Mayor Herman Mashaba says it is everyone's responsibility to look after the environment.

Herman Mashaba
Photo: Samkelo Maseko

Mashaba has participated in the #WasteStopsWithMe clean-up campaign in Soweto. 


"It's truly an honour to be amongst people who have made it their life's mission to ensure that our children and our children's children will have a healthy, safe and prosperous environment to live long after some of us, or all of us have passed on," says Mashaba.


Mashaba says the environment will remain long after the current generation is gone.


"We have the responsibility, all of us at all times, to ensure that we look after this environment for future generations," says Mashaba.


Mashaba says businesses should also be mindful of the environment


"Our city is the economic hub of Africa and our business owners and entrepreneurs are constantly seeking new ways to expand their operations," says Mashaba.


"This is a good things, as we must continue to seek ways to create more employment for our people and grow the economy. However, this cannot go unchecked and cannot happen at the cost of our environment."

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