Over 1,1million new voters registered during last registration weekend

Over 1,1million new voters registered during last registration weekend

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has on Sunday confirmed that more than a million new South Africans registered to vote for the 2024 national elections.

Marius van der Walt

Of these, over 500 000 citizens walked into registration stations on Saturday and by 1pm on Saturday, another 564 715 citizens registered on Sunday.

The IEC says the Commission recorded 67 200 online registration transactions on Saturday and 34 293 registrations on Sunday.

The highest number of citizens registered to vote in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.

Inidviduals aged between 30 and 39 yesars of age, fell in the group with the most registrations.

The IEC is expected to give a full update on the last registration weekend, when they address the media on Tuesday.

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