Permanent solution needed for broadcasting of national teams – Kodwa

Permanent solution needed for broadcasting of national teams – Kodwa

Sports Minister Zizi Kodwa says a more permanent solution is needed to ensure South Africans are able to watch the country’s national teams on television.

Permanent solution needed for broadcasting of national teams – Kodwa
Twitter: @ZiziKodwa

Kodwa’s remarks come on the back of a sub-licencing agreement between MultiChoice and the SABC, which will see the public broadcaster show the Springbok’s games at the Rugby World Cup in France.

MultiChoice, which owns the broadcasting rights for the tournament, asked the SABC to pay about R38m to sub-licence the rights. The SABC baulked at the price, but a last-minute agreement was struck between the two parties.

Kodwa said there should be a permanent solution for future major sporting events.

"On Monday, I had a discussion with the Minister of Communications and met with senior executives of the SABC, urging the public broadcaster to find a solution to this impasse with MultiChoice.

"I had made it clear that my interest in this matter was for all South Africans to have access to a sport of national interest. All South Africans need to be able to watch our sports teams performing on international platforms.

"MultiChoice agreed to sub-license broadcast rights to the SABC for the 2023 Rugby World Cup. This means that millions of South Africans will be able to watch this global showpiece and see the Springboks go on to defend their world title.

"I reiterate my call for a permanent solution to be found, as we cannot find ourselves in this situation before major sporting events," he added

The tournament gets underway on Friday night when hosts France face off against New Zealand’s All Blacks at Stade de France.

The reigning champions will open their campaign on Sunday against Scotland.


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