Philani Ndlovu ‘not crucial witness’ in Senzo Meyiwa trial - NPA

Philani Ndlovu ‘not crucial witness’ in Senzo Meyiwa trial - NPA

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has denied claims that the death of Brigadier Philani Ndlovu is a setback for the State in the Senzo Meyiwa murder trial.

Senzo Meyiwa trial
Sibahle Motha

The former Bafana Bafana captain was shot and killed at the home of his then girlfriend Kelly Khumalo in Vosloorus seven years ago.

Five men have been charged with his murder and are currently on trial in the Pretoria High Court.

Ndlovu, who is a former head of detectives in Gauteng, was one of the first people at the scene of crime but passed away in hospital on Wednesday.

He was expected to give evidence when the trial resumed on 30 May.

NPA spokesperson Lumka Mahanjana says Ndlovu’s evidence solely revolved around his presence on the scene.

“His role was limited to his presence at the place of the incident and the management of the crime scene.

“It should be noted that the investigators had not obtained his statement. There are several other witnesses who will give relevant evidence on the merits of the case.

“The State is still confident that it has sufficient evidence to ensure a successful prosecution in this case.”


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