Prince Harry addresses International Aids Conference

Prince Harry addresses International Aids Conference

Prince Harry says complacency puts the fight against HIV and AIDS at risk. 

AIDS 2016: Prince Harry on empowering, educating youth
International AIDS Conference 2016 official website

He's has been addressing delegates and youth at the International AIDS Conference in Durban. 

Prince Harry says at the time of the first HIV Conference, HIV was seen as a death sentence, treatment was not widely available and stigma kept HIV-positive people from talking openly about their condition.

He says while progress has been made, stigma and discrimination still act as greatest barrier to defeating the disease.

Prince Harry says the discussion around ending HIV needs to include the youth.

ALSO READ: Elton John speaks at Durban #AIDS2016 conference

Meanwhile, Sir Elton John has called on the youth to become ambassadors in their communities to create an AIDS-free society. 

He’s also thanked Prince Harry, who also spoke at the conference today, for taking up the cause for an AIDS free world.

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