Ramaphosa to protesting students: We have to draw a line in the sand

Ramaphosa to protesting students: We have to draw a line in the sand

President Cyril Ramaphosa cut short his participation at the World Economic Forum to address students protesting outside Parliament on Thursday.

Parliament students protest
Asive Mabula

Thousands of students from the University of Cape town embarked on a shutdown following the disappearance and murder of student Uyinene Mrwetyane.


The 19-year-old, who was missing for two weeks, was murdered by a post office employee in Claremont.


The students asked that the president address the scourge of gender-based violence in the country.


Receiving the memorandum from an angry group of students, Ramaphosa said the government is looking at ways to address the situation.

UCT students outside parly
Asive Mabula

"We will be responding instantly to what you set out in the memorandum.

"We are going to essentially draw a line in the sand and make sure that as a nation, as a government we heighten the protection and the defense and the safety of the woman in our nation."

The head of state is expected to address the nation on Thursday afternoon, where he will determine whether or not to declare a state of emergency.

"I agree that the killing of women must be brought to an end here in South Africa."



University VC's want meeting with Ramaphosa over gender-based violence

The call follows the gruesome killing of University of Cape Town student Uyinene Mrwetyana last week. A 42-year-old male suspect, who confessed to her killing, appeared in the Wynberg Magistrates Court on Monday. It has also emerged that the suspect was employed by the South African Post Office in spite of a previous conviction of robbery with aggravating circumstances.

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