Terms of reference for the state capture inquiry revealed

Terms of reference for the state capture inquiry revealed

Government has published the much-anticipated terms of reference for the commission of inquiry into state capture on Thursday.

Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo
Gaopalelwe Phalaetsile

The inquiry has been tasked with investigating allegations against the Gupta family, President Jacob Zuma and other public office bearers.

The Justice Department published the terms of reference, as outlined by President Zuma, on Thursday.

The commission, headed by Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo, will be "guided by the Public Protector's State of Capture report, the Constitution, relevant legislation, policies, and guidelines, as well as the order of the North Gauteng High Court".

The investigation must also include the allegations by former ANC MP Vytjie Mentor and former Deputy Finance Minister Mcebisi Jonas that they were offered Cabinet posts by the Gupta family.

It must further determine "whether the President had any role in the alleged offers of Cabinet position to Mr Mcebisi Jonas and Ms Mentor by the Gupta family".

The commission must further probe allegations around contracts awarded to Gupta-owned companies at various state-owned entities and whether any member of the executive interfered in the closing of the contraversial family's bank accounts.

President Zuma has also given the commission power to refer any matter for further prosecution or investigation.

The commission will have 180 days to complete its work from the day it commences.

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