Traffic chaos at Grayston following shoot-out

Traffic chaos at Grayston following shoot-out

A shoot-out between police and suspected armed robbers on Grayston Drive in Sandton has delayed traffic in the area.

Traffic Gauteng rain weather 7_jacanews
Photo: Faith Daniels, JacarandaFM News

Police spokesperson Kay Makhubela says police received a tip-off that suspects travelling in Mercedes were on their way to committing a robbery in Sandton.

A shootout ensued, with police chasing after the suspects who fled in a hijacked vehicle.

"Three suspects were arrested. One unlicensed firearm was recovered," he said.

According to ER24, four people have sustained minor to moderate injuries.

ER24 spokesperson Russel Meiring says they are on the scene treating patients.

"A security guard sustained minor lacerations while climbing over a barbed wires fence. Three other men, believed to be the suspects, sustained minor to moderate injuries," Meiring said.

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