Zondo report: Probe Tony Gupta, Brian Molefe, Collin Matjila for corruption

Zondo report: Probe Tony Gupta, Brian Molefe, Collin Matjila for corruption

The State Capture Commission of Inquiry commission has recommended that law enforcement agencies should investigate a possible charge of corruption against Tony Gupta, Brian Molefe, and Collin Matjila for corruption and fraud. 


Molefe Wednesday

In a report released on Tuesday, Zondo details evidence and testimony given to the commission in relation to the breakfasts that were facilitated between several state-owned entities and Gupta-owned The New Age (TNA).  


Acting Chief Justice Raymond Zondo found Matjila during his tenure as acting Eskom CEO facilitated the capture of the power utility by the Guptas.  


 Eskom’s TNA subscription started with 30 copies per day for R25 148, the figure ballooned to 2000 copies at R1.3 million.  


“Matjila approved the larger sponsorship contract with TNA that Eskom had ever entered into. He did so despite not having the authority to enter into a contract of this size and at a time when there was no evidence of any value to be derived from services offered by TNA,”  the report stated. 


Similar conclusions are drawn in relation to Transnet.  


Zondo says Molefe as the CEO of Transnet misrepresented contracts entered into between the SOE and TNA as partnerships when they were sponsored.  


“It is recommended that law enforcement agencies conduct further investigation as may be necessary with a view to the possible prosecution of Brian Molefe by the National Prosecuting Authority fit fraud and/or contravention of the PFMA,”  


On Tony Gupta, it is recommended that law enforcement agencies should investigate him for corruption related to allegations by former SAA chairman and chief executive Vuyisile Kona that he also offered him R100 000 and later R500 000 in their meeting at Saxonwold in October 2012.  


Judicial Commission of Inquiry Into State Capture Report-Part 1 (1) by GaoOliviaPhalaetsile on Scribd


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