‘Zuma not against commission, just the chairperson’ – ANC clarifies Zuma stance

‘Zuma not against commission, just the chairperson’ – ANC clarifies Zuma stance

The African National Congress (ANC) has reiterated former president Jacob Zuma’s opposition to Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo presiding over the state capture commission. 

Jacob Zuma

The pair don’t see eye to eye on matters of Zuma’s appearance before the commission. 

Zondo wants Zuma to account for the damming allegations of fraud and corruption levelled against him but Zuma has refused to return to give testimony before the judiciary’s second-in-command. 

Zuma believes Zondo is biased against him and was roped in to settle political scores. 

The matter has now escalated to Constitutional Court. 

In a bid to ease tensions, the ANC’s top 6 met with Zuma on Monday in a 7-hour long meeting to discuss the former stateman’s reluctance to appear before the commission. 

ANC secretary general Ace Magashule told media that Zuma only take issue with Zondo and not the commission itself. 

“President Zuma has not refused to appear before the commission of inquiry led by Judge Zondo. President Zuma has actually had issues, not with the commission, but with the judge,” Magashule said. 

“That’s why he went to the high court and that’s the legal process. So, he went to the high court and he’s actually wating for the decision of the high court.” 

Magashule said the party supports Zuma’s decision to exhaust all legal avenues. 

“In this case president Zuma is not the accused, this is a commission of inquiry and in a commission of inquiry I don’t want o talk about a witness, a judge, all those matters are matters for the judiciary to decide on.

“Something tangible came out of these discussions. What is tangible I that we are at one in terms of the rule of law, the respect for the Constitution, the respect for the Bill of Rights, the respect for the rights of individuals as enshrined in the Constitution.” 

He added Zuma’s difference of opinion with the judiciary doesn’t negate his respect for the rule of law. 

“Differing with judges, we have always said does not actually necessarily say you are disrespecting the judiciary.” 


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