Lifeguards lose control of boat stuck in full throttle

Lifeguards lose control of boat stuck in full throttle

Beach fail in Ballito

boat fail.jpg

Below is the video of a lifeguard boat that the lifeguards lost control of in Ballito, Durban, and their kill switch was either not on their arm or it Mal-functioned.

The Boat was stuck in full throttle almost decapitating one of the lifeguards swimming towards it.

Lifeguards were shouting and whistling to the ones that got thrown out the boat to swim away from shore because they were still trying to get onto the boat. 

Parents and lifeguards can be heard screaming at the bathers to get out of the water, because of the rogue boat in the water.

Please note that there is swearing in the video, and minors should not view it. Also please be advised that the content, nor its comments on the video platform are not those of MBD or Jacaranda FM.

View the video entirely at your own risk.


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